Refund Policy for Amwhiz Media Private Limited

Our Commitment to Client Satisfaction

At Amwhiz Media Private Limited, we are committed to providing top-quality IT services and ensuring our clients' satisfaction. We understand that situations may arise where a refund is requested. This refund policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds will be considered.

1. Advance Payment Refund

1.1 Upfront Advance Payment: Upon the initiation of a project, we require an advance payment of 50% of the project's total value. This payment secures your project slot and enables us to allocate resources accordingly.

1.2 Refund Eligibility:
Refunds for advance payments will only be considered if the project has not yet entered the active work phase.

If the project has not commenced, and a request for cancellation is made, we will issue a refund of the advance payment.

1.3 Refund Calculation:
If the project has started and our team's efforts have been invested, refunds will be calculated based on the proportionate work completed up to the refund request date.

Refunds will only be processed if a proper and valid reason for cancellation is provided by the client.

In cases where the project's halt is due to factors on our end, a refund will be issued.

1.4 Scope of Refund:
Projects in which the completed work constitutes more than 80% of the initial scope mentioned are not eligible for a refund of the advance payment.

1.5 Valid Refund Reasons:

Refund requests will be considered in the following scenarios:
Valid Refund Reasons
Project Scope Misalignment: If the project scope outlined initially significantly deviates from the actual requirements, and the client wishes to halt the project due to the misalignment.

Technical Infeasibility: In cases where unforeseen technical challenges arise that make it impractical or infeasible to proceed with the project as planned.

Communication Breakdown: If there's a substantial breakdown in communication between Amwhiz Media and the client, leading to misunderstandings or inability to progress.

Legal or Regulatory Constraints: If the project is hindered by legal or regulatory constraints that were not evident at the project's outset.

Change in Business Objectives: If the client experiences a fundamental shift in business objectives that renders the current project irrelevant or counterproductive.

Unforeseen External Factors: Refund requests could be considered if external factors beyond the control of either party significantly impact the project, such as a sudden market shift or a natural disaster.

Resource Allocation Issues: If Amwhiz Media is unable to allocate the necessary resources for the project, leading to substantial delays or inability to deliver as promised.

Client’s Internal Issues: If the client experiences internal organizational issues that prevent them from effectively collaborating on the project.

 2. Final Payment Refund

2.1 Final Payment: 
Upon completion of the project and successful demonstration to the client, the remaining 50% of the project value is due before delivery and handover.

2.2 Refund Policy:
After the final payment is made and the project is delivered, no refunds will be processed.

The project delivery includes thorough testing from both our side and the client's side (User Acceptance Testing, or UAT). This ensures the quality and completeness of the project before finalization.

3. Refund Request Process
3.1 Initiating a Refund Request:
Clients must initiate a refund request through written communication, outlining the reason for the request.

The reason must fall within the valid refund reasons mentioned in section 1.5.

3.2 Management Discretion:
All refund requests are subject to management's decision.

The decision to grant a refund and the refund amount will be determined based on the specific circumstances of each case.

4. Contact Information
If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our refund policy, please contact us at:

Amwhiz Media Private Limited

Phase 1, 99, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Industrial Estate,

Perungudi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600096, India


Phone: +919791389205

5. Final Decision and Management Discretion:
All refund requests are subject to management's discretion, and the decision of management is final. Management will thoroughly review the circumstances and merits of each refund request before making a determination.

The decision will take into account the specifics of the project, the reasons provided for the refund request, and the impact on both parties.

By providing a comprehensive list of valid refund reasons and emphasizing the management's discretion, you ensure that your refund policy is transparent, fair, and flexible while also preserving the company's ability to make decisions in the best interest of both parties.

Policy Updates
Amwhiz Media Private Limited reserves the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time. Any changes made will be effective immediately upon posting the updated policy on our official website.

By engaging in business with Amwhiz Media Private Limited, clients agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this refund policy.

Refund Policy